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Season of Shadows (Chapter 29 - The Teller’s Tale)

Writer's picture: Charles ZittaCharles Zitta

Charlie, Frank and the other Patrons had reached the top of the magic stalk and now stood before the leafy portal. The lion crest ring on Charlie’s finger illuminated as the portal eye began to swirl.

“Through the eye lies the answer we seek to finding the third Kingdom Crystal,” Frank said to the others.

The portal blazed chartreuse green.

“Charlie’s ring will show us the way.”

“It will?” The boy replied.

“Sure,” Frank replied. “We’ll step through the portal together. Ready?”

Charlie looked up at his friend with hesitance in his eyes. “OK?”

“It’ll be OK, Charlie,” Oteza reassured.

“Everyone else, stay close behind us. The portal will not remain open for very long,” said Frank.

The magic portal began pulling them in through force of wind.

Frank put his hand on Charlie’s shoulder and said, “Here we go.”

Charlie held onto Oteza with firm grip as he and Frank stepped into the eye—absorbed immediately by its bright light.

“You heard the man,” said Alexios, “it’s time to take our first step towards finding the third crystal.”

“Good enough for me,” said Michael, who leapt into the swirling mass and vanished.

“Off we go on another adventure,” said Ben, as he and Midnight stepped into the magic light together.

Alexios checked behind him to make sure there were no tagalongs and said to himself, “Let’s hope we find the crystal soon.”

The white owl flew into the portal, which closed upon itself to reveal nothing but ordinary branches and leaves.


Three black crows stepped out from behind a cluster of leaves near the portal just as it closed. Cawing, the birds spiraled downward around the enormous stalk. Eager to inform the queen of their latest discovery.


One-by-one, each group appeared, gathering in a place unlike any they had seen before. “I don’t recall ever being here before,” said Ben.

“As you shouldn’t,” Frank replied.

“Everything is so playful and innocent. Like a…”

“A child’s mind,” Frank interrupted.

Charlie and the others took in their surroundings. Unable to comprehend all that was happening. Elephants of many colors danced atop beach balls floating at the bottom of a waterfall. Balloon animals grazed upon cotton candy trees and bushes. Mr. Sunshine was peeking out from behind a cluster of white fluffy clouds above—greeting each of the Patrons with a nod and wink. Bird-like airplanes piloted by squirrels, elves and ducks with goggles performed aerobatic maneuvers in the sky above.

“Unbelievable,” said Michael.

“What’s that over there?” Asked Charlie, pointing towards a small town just across the river.

“That, my boy, is where we are headed,” said Frank.

Everyone looked around, searching for a way across the waterway.

“Unless there’s a fairy coming to take us across the water, I don’t see an easy way to get there,” said Ben.

“Look again.” Frank bent over and picked up a golden stone. Squinting, he took careful aim, then slung the rock side-arm—skipping it across the water.

“So you can skip a rock on water. Now what,” Oteza said sarcastically.

Frank gestured towards the water and said, “Look again.”

The water began to percolate. Clear pillars rose up out of the river followed by cable supports and eventually, a fully-developed bridge made of crystal.

“Looks like we have a way across now, Ben,” said Midnight.

“Oh sure, now you chime in. Silly cat.”

“Sorry, couldn’t resist, Midnight replied.

“Alright, you two. Enough bickering,” said Alexios. “Let’s go find what we came for before it’s too late.”

“Too late?” said Charlie. “Too late for what?”

“Alexios is right,” said Frank. By the looks of things, Mr. Sunshine will be headed behind the hill soon. We best be on our way before he does.”

“He’s right, you know,” said the sun. There’s just enough time for you and the others to pay the teller a visit before I set.”

“What happens if you set before we finish?” asked Michael.

“Like a child’s imagination, this place is always changing. So what you see today, will most likely be very different tomorrow,” said the sun.

“In other words, we need to get a move on,” Oteza bluntly said.

“Precisely,” added Frank. “Come, everyone. Across the bridge.”



Charlie and the others entered The Teller’s Store of Tales and More. A uniquely constructed building shaped like an obscure star with gold-painted siding, silvery trim and shingles made of glitter that drew its color from the sky above.

The walls were covered top to bottom with old, leather-bound books, maps, mysterious gadgets, containers and other curious things. As they stepped across the creaky hardwood floor, each board appeared to have its own distinct tone. Dust-covered globes of every kind were scattered across the store, mysteriously spinning under their own power. Behind the large, wooden counter, a wall covered in hour glasses demanded ones attention. In some, the sand fell down, as would be expected. While in others, the sand rose upwards.

“You’ve come to hear a tale, yes?” a voice called down from the dimly-lit loft area above.

“Yes, that’s right,” Frank replied, “and you are?”

Stepping into the light, a short, portly man with the face of a mouse walked down the steep, narrow staircase. As he reached the counter, he stepped up onto a box, which enabled him to see his visitors. “You can call me Richard the Teller, or just Richard for short.”

“Well Richard, we’re here seeking the location of the third crystal,” said Frank.

The man paused in thought for a moment. “My knowledge can only reveal its general location. However, to actually find the crystal, you will need an Object of Magic.”

“Got it covered,” said Charlie.

Richard studied the boy, then said, “You must be the chosen outsider.”

“I am,” Charlie replied. “How did you know that?”

“To tell the tales, one must be familiar with its subject matter.”

“So you’re gonna tell us a tale?” asked Ben.


“Oh, I can not wait,” the short red-headed man replied.

Richard stepped down from his box. He turned to the hour glasses and said, “Now where is it? Ah, yes.” Reaching up with a long extension pole, the short little fellow pulled one of the hour glasses off a higher shelf, then walked out from behind the counter—telling the others to follow him towards the back of the store.

The first thing Charlie noticed while following the Teller was that he not only had the face off a mouse, but a mouse tail as well.

“Would you look at that,” whispered Michael.

“Shhh. Yes, I see it,” Charlie replied quietly.

Richard reached the rear doorway, then turned and said, “Follow me.” Turning back, he disappeared through a set of purple curtains.

Frank and the others stepped through the doorway and immediately found themselves standing in a dark, empty room. Only a circle of old worn-out chairs, highlighted by three recessed lights in the ceiling, could be seen.

“Please, have a seat,” said Richard, as he walked the floor until everyone was seated. Turning towards the chairs, he tossed the hourglass in hand—which grew with every flip in the air before landing dead center of the room, standing eight feet tall. Admiring the giant hour glass incased in sterling silver, the Teller waved his hand. The silvery-white sands inside illuminated and began to swirl around. “Today a tale will be told. None like any heard before.”

The glowing sands turned blue.

“In a far away place, not far away at all, a crystal of orange was created in the full moon light, on the eve of Halloween. Long before much of this, what we call WONDER, existed.”

A holographic image of the glowing crystal appeared, floating and slowly rotating, in the lower half of the hour glass.

“Its powers grew strong, fed by dark magic that special night, as a private group of Imagineers, looking to protect WONDER, stood by to watch the crystal’s transformation through. But…with such power came a heavy burden.”

Ghosted images of jack o’lanterns, skeletons, spirits, evil floating eyes, and more, began to swirl around the crystal.

Richard continued. “Upon its transformation, a mysterious spirit in the form of a little girl appeared out of the moonlit shadows to heed warning. She told the Imagineers that because the crystal was created using Halloween magic…dark magic, evil would always be drawn to its power.”

A wispy collage of the queen, and all that served under her, floated about inside the top half of the hour glass.

“So what does that mean for us?” asked Charlie.

“What it means, young man, is no matter where the crystal is, or how hard you try to protect it…dark forces will always be lurking nearby,” the Teller replied.

“If anyone here wishes to back out, now would be the time,” Frank proclaimed.

Silence filled the room.

“Very well, then.” The wise, old Patron turned towards Richard and said in ambitious tone, “Point us in the right direction.”

© 2024 Charles E. Zitta. Charles E. Zitta and Disney and the Wonder Within blog novels are in no way part of,  endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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© 2024 Charles E. Zitta. Charles E. Zitta and Disney and the Wonder Within books are in no way part of,  endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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