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Writer's pictureCharles Zitta

Season of Shadows (Chapter 32 - An Unfortunate Connection)

A bolt of lightning split into many—striking all spires simultaneously atop the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and setting off a chain reaction of transformation. The Hollywood Tower Hotel sign changed to The Shadow of Darkness Hotel. The hotel’s faded orange-like facade cracked and crumbled, leaving behind a charcoal gray appearance. Eerie lights of purple and green began to flicker on and off in all its windows, as screams and screeches of fright projected out in every direction. The hotel had gained a life of its own—a living, breathing tower of unparalleled terror.

Highlighted by the electric night sky, the three surviving Dark Thorns peered down with soulless eyes, overlooking a balcony wall of the transformed tower, at the unsuspecting guests below.

“There’s the carrousel. Just as her majesty of darkness predicted,” said Senkrad.


“Look around you. Do you see the difference?”

Charlie and the others silently took in their surroundings.

“The tower, it’s very gray,” said Michael.

“Compared to…what?” said Frank.

“The rest of the park,” Charlie answered back.

“Precisely. Does it remind you of anything, Charlie?”

The chosen outsider gazed upon the transformed tower and its stormy surroundings, then turned to view the rest of a simulated Hollywood Studios—still very full of life and color. “Yes! My dream. The dream I had of the little girl on the carrousel, and the wave of shadow that swept across Fantasyland—turning everything in its path gray. But this…this is not a dream.”

“No Charlie, it is not. The dreams you’ve been having…your mind…and what is happening here in WONDER, are somehow magically connected. Just as I had told you earlier this week after you described your dream to me.”

“That’s not what I wanted to hear, Frank,” the boy replied.

“Then you really don’t want to hear what I have to say next.”

Charlie looked into the distance, fearing the words to come next out of his friends mouth, and said, “No. No, I really don’t. But I don’t have a choice, do I?”

Frank looked around at all the others, “Really, none of us do.”

Everyone in the group fell silent, waiting for the heavy words to drop.

“I met with the Parton council the other day. This wave. The wave of gray you saw in your dreams…is starting to spread its evil across the simulated parks, resorts, and any other place that exists, in all levels of WONDER, including the Magic Rim.”

“In other words, reality,” Midnight added with deep sigh.


“No need to worry, they can not break the shadow plane,” said Oltar.

“Besides, they’re here for the crystal. They have no choice but to seek it out,” said Kuhn.

“And as we know, the orange crystal lies somewhere hidden in the tower, the queen said it herself,” said Senkrad.

“Speaking of which, she should be here soon, I trust?” Asked Kunn.

“I have a feeling she already is,” said Senkrad. “She’s not going to miss this, I can assure you of that.”

KAPOW! Lighting struck a nearby tree, splitting it in half.

“See, what did I tell you.”


“That was a close one,” said Ben. “Made my nose hairs curl right up.”

A loud rumble of thunder crawled across the sky as the wind began to freshen. Storm clouds swooped in and swirled around the transformed area—closing Charlie and his friends off from the rest of the simulated park.

“Looks like a storm is upon us,” said Frank.

“And a very odd one at that,” added Valerie.

“We should head inside before the rain starts up,” said Midnight.

“You never were a water lover were ya whiskers?” Asked Ben.

“Uh, no. In case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a cat,” Midnight sarcastically replied.

“Well that may be true,” said Ben, “but you’re gonna be a wet cat if we don’t catch up with the others.

With rain quickly approaching, the others were already in full sprint towards the cryptic attraction, and in the process, had left Ben and Midnight behind to argue amongst themselves.

“Right, what do you say we head in before you melt,” said Midnight.

“Oh…shut it you silly cat. Besides, you’re the one who’s afraid of water.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t hear you,” the cat replied as he rushed to catch the others.

Frustrated, Ben took off in a sprint to catch his furry friend, shouting on the way, “Just wait you big fur ball. When I get my hands on ya, I’m gonna—”

“Still can’t hear you,” Midnight shouted back over his shoulder, smirking.


“They’re headed inside, said Kunn.

“Their search for the crystal is about to begin,” Senkrad added with sinister grin.

“Everything is going according to plan, and I see the tower light is on,” said Kunn, pointing to the highest window of the transformed attraction.

“That’s the signal. Let’s not keep her waiting,” said Oltar.

“I can hardly wait myself,” said Kunn.

“Soon enough, my dark friend…soon enough,” said Senkrad.

The Dark Thorns exited the balcony into shadow.

© 2024 Charles E. Zitta. Charles E. Zitta and Disney and the Wonder Within blog novels are in no way part of,  endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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