It was early afternoon, the last day of the Zastawits vacation. Charlie and his brother had been transported into WONDER one last time to join their tired Patron friends below Frank’s apartment for ice cream and conversation. Their parents, under the magic spell of a memory knot, were enjoying a shopping spree on Main Street USA. Unaware of where the boys had gone or what they were up to.
“The orange crystal, it’s safe?”
“Yes, Charlie. It is hidden in a place far away from the queen and her dark army’s grasp,” Frank replied.
“I guess you’ll be wanting this back?” Charlie said, as he handed Frank the lion crest ring.
Frank accepted the ring, placing it into a small, white jewel case. The same case Charlie had seen in his dream before their vacation. Closing the case, Frank safely tucked it into his left front pocket. “Thank you. Now, while we are all gathered here, we need to discuss a few things.”
“A few things?” Said Michael.
“Yes. Now that the White Shadow Queen has the magic dream expander, I’m afraid annual visits by you and Charlie aren’t going to be enough. We’ll need to expedite our search for the remaining two crystals.”
The boys looked at each other, silent and confused by the old man’s words.
“I had a feeling you might say that,” said Ben.
“Why?” And…and how will that even be possible?” Charlie asked. “Our parents can’t afford to come down here more than we already do.”
Frank pulled a tape dispenser in the shape of Spaceship Earth out of his pocket and placed it on the parlor table. “You’ll use this.”
“What is it? And how’s that going to get us down here from our home in Michigan?” Said Charlie.
“That there is a tape dispenser,” said Alfred. “It’s full of magic tape.”
“Yeah right, said the boy.
“No, it really does contain magical tape,” said Henry. “Powered by the light charm Frank wears.”
“Seriously? So let me get this right. We’re going to transport down here…from back home…using tape?” Charlie said in sarcastic tone.
“It’s quite simple,” said Frank. Press the hidden button on the side three times and the dispenser will eject 3 small pieces of tape. Place one piece on the left side of your bedroom door frame, one on the right and one on top.”
“And then?”
As a precautionary measure, Frank leaned in closer to the boys, so nobody nearby could hear him. “Touch Spaceship earth in the illuminated sequence it shows you.”
“What?” Said Michael.
“Trust me, you’ll know when you see it.”
“Then what?” Asked Charlie. “Just like that, we’re in WONDER?”
“Basically…yes,” said Clara. “Just walk through the portal and SNAP, you’re here.”
“The dream dot will transport you and your brother to my apartment,” Frank said, pointing above the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor as he got up from the table.
“But wait, there’s nothing else? Like when will we know it’s time to activate the dream dot?”’
“I will let you know,” Charlie.
“But how?” Asked the boys.
“It’s not important that you know right now.”
Charlie and Michael gave Frank a look of frustration.
“What is important, now, is that you rejoin your parents for a little Disney magic before you head back home. So, say goodbye, boys. We will see you again before you know it.”
“But what about Oteza? I didn’t get to say goodbye to her,” said Charlie—begging to spend just a little more time in WONDER.
“Oteza? Oh yes, she’s up in the apartment, resting. I guess we could run up and see her before you go.
“Thank you,” the boy replied.
Everyone rose from their tables and headed up to Frank’s apartment.
The early evening sun was melting into the early November sky. Soon it would be dark.
There’s time for one more ride, but what should it be? Charlie pondered in his mind as he and his family wandered through Fantasyland, aimlessly searching for that last perfect experience before they exited the park. A dreadful thought indeed.
Peter Pan’s Flight and the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train were too busy. While It’s A Small World was not busy enough to provide that last bit of magic. But the carrousel…the carrousel was just the ticket, so Charlie made his play. “Listen to that music. Isn’t it great? I bet it makes you feel like a kid again, doesn’t it Mom and Dad?”
“Sounds like someone wants to ride the carrousel to me,” Father replied.
“How did you ever guess,” Charlie answered with a grin.
“Everyone good with that?” Mother asked.
It was an unanimous YES, as they all headed for the carrousel queue.
The line moved quickly and in no time at all, they boarded the carrousel with Charlie quickly mounting the horse with purple lion crest armor, white the other three filled in around him.
All clear, the horses slowly began to move, the carrousel started to rotate, and the music began to play, as passengers happily took in the changing scenery.
Charlie closed his eyes, sharpening his sense of smell and sound. The music, happy people walking buy, young children’s laughter, and the smell of tasty food wafting in from every direction.
It was at that moment, a familiar voice caught the boy’s ear. A young girl. Talking to her mother and father.
Charlie opened his eyes wide, turning them to the left. Peaked by curiosity of what he could hear but not yet see.
The young girls giggle rose up in the air, raising the hairs on Charlie’s neck. He couldn’t take it any longer. Spinning his head round his thoughts were confirmed. It was Samantha, the little girl from his dream! Frank was right, the boy thought to himself. My mind HAS formed a bridge…a magical, subconscious bridge, between WONDER and reality. Charlie quickly turned back around. With blank stare, he took in the ever-changing scenery as the carrousel continued round and round.
The sun had melted below the horizon. Main Street USA was lit up with a spectacle of lights and sound. Charlie and his family had worked their way through the shops on the west side and were headed towards the exit. The smell of popcorn was in the air, while children played with their light toys throughout Town Square. Cast members were waving goodbye, smiling as an invitation for guests to visit again soon.
Just before entering under the tunneled exit, Charlie turned back for one last look at the castle. Standing between the tracks, dead center on Main Street USA, Frank, stood smiling. Waiving goodbye in his colorful shirt, khaki pants and white sneakers. His silvery-white hair flapping in the Florida breeze. The boy waved back then turned towards the tunnel exit, only to be greeted with yet another wave and smile. It was Samantha. Charlie didn’t know what to do, so he waved and smiled back as he walked by—triggering his thoughts to dig deeper. If his mind really had formed a connection between reality and WONDER, and his carrousel dream was truly a sign of things to come…the battle was just beginning.
Watching from the railroad station above, a young woman, transparent and barely visible to the human eye, stared down upon the chosen outsider as he and his family exited through the gates. A pair of electric green eyes cut through long white hair as it swirled round her face and tall, slender body. Lowering her head slightly, focusing on the boy, she let loose a devilish grin of diabolical thought, whispering in magical tone, so only he could hear, “We’ll meet again soon.”
© 2024 Charles E. Zitta. Charles E. Zitta and Disney and the Wonder Within blog novels are in no way part of, endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.