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  • Writer's pictureCharles Zitta

Season of Shadows (Chapter 35 - A Mysterious Visitor)

BAM! Frank and his friends were freed by a mysterious mass of radiant light that came crashing down from above—cutting the giant snake in two. They did not know who it was, or for that matter, what it was. All they did know was that they were free and their means for escape sat just behind them.

“To the elevator. Now!” Frank shouted.

Michael, Ben and Midnight turned and ran towards the open elevator.


They stopped and turned to look at Frank.

“Take her with you,” said the old man, as he threw Oteza to Michael.

The young boy snatched the ostrich stick out of the air.

“Now go. Before it’s too late,” said Frank.

Ben and his friends turned and sprinted into the elevator.

Midnight hit the elevator buttons, closing the doors and sending them away from the horseman’s evil fury.

They think they’re getting away,” said Oltar.

“Not a chance,” Senkrad replied. Snapping his fingers, he, Oltar and Kunn swirled up and disappeared into thin air, leaving the shadow horseman to take down the old man.

The elevator plummeted downwards, rendering Ben and his friends helpless, as they remained pushed against the walls with fear in their eyes.

Slamming to a halt, the elevator dinged as the doors slowly opened up to a creepy, otherworldly dimension buried deep beneath the hotel.


The focused Patron stood still and quiet—eyes closed and hands pressed together as he entered a meditative state with the mysterious radiant figure standing nearby. His charm necklace burst into a blinding display of light—forcing the shadow horseman to turn his steed away, shielding their eyes.

The rider pulled his sword and thrust it high, calling out, “Darkness arise!” Elontra and Tanion suddenly materialized out of nowhere—flanking the horseman on each side. Raising their bony hands high, they waved them left then right, forming a protective shield of impenetrable energy to ward off any attacks or bright light cast their way by the magical Patron.

Turning back around, the shadow horseman pulled his sword and raised it high above his head. “The end is near for you, Patron scum!”

Frank’s meditation continued. His eyes sill closed and expression calm.

The horseman pulled hard on the reigns. His stallion raised its front legs high off the ground, letting out a mighty whinny. “Yah!” the evil rider called out, as he took off on his horse in full-gallop towards the old man.

BOOM! A sparkling display of silver and white lit up the dark sky above as a familiar friend burst onto the scene to survey the partially destroyed structure of the burning hotel. Once, twice, three times, then four, mighty Alexios circled the tower hotel—weaving in and out of sight between stairways, walls, floors, beams and what not that still remained.

Elontra and Tanion immediately locked in on the threat, tracking the owl’s every move.

Alexios came out of his holding pattern and shot high into the stormy night sky, disappearing into darkness. Magical thunder and lightning danced across the clouds. A giant meteor-like object shot downwards from the dark sky, crashing just behind the Dark Thorns and horseman.

Emerging from the smoky debris a well-armored owl and three human figures eyeballed the evil before them.

With enemies in front and back, the trio of darkness prepared for battle.


“I sense Ben and the others could use a little help,” Frank shouted across the way to his friends.

Alexios looked to the three counsel members and said, “I guess you’re moving on.”

“Moving on? We just got…wait, what’s he doing now?” said Alfred.

Frank thrust his hands forward, launching three light bursts towards the enemy.

POW! POW-POW! The illuminated balls exploded near their intended targets, temporarily blinding the horseman and Dark Thorns.

On cue, Alfred, Clara and Henry magically leapt over the evil trio and dashed to the elevators behind Frank and the mysterious glowing figure.

“Who is that?” Asked Clara.

“Or better yet, what is that?” added Henry.

“Never mind that. Our friends used the elevator your in to escape. You need to find them. Quickly! Three of the Dark Thorns took off after them. Hurry, before it’s too late,” shouted Frank.

Alfred reached for one of the elevator buttons.

Clara grabbed his hand. “Wait. We don’t know which way they went.”

“Right,” Alfred replied.

“Up or down, Frank?” shouted Clara.

Frank turned to his friends and pointed down.

Alfred pushed the button and the doors closed.

A barrage of fireballs hit the doors, shaking the elevator just as it was departing.

There were shouts of distress and pain.

“We need to go back,” said Clara, reaching for the up button.

“You heard him,” said Alfred. “Ben and the others need our help.”

“Besides, the owl will help Frank,” added Henry.

Clara pulled back her hand and leaned against the elevator wall. ”You’re right.”


“Where are we?” Asked Ben.

“Not where we’d like to be,” Midnight replied.

“No kidding,” added Oteza.

The four Patrons slowly stepped out of the elevator into an underground world of unfriendly icy terrain, blanketed with areas of snow. All carved out in time by flowing lava rivers.

“What about that?” Asked Michael, pointing across the treacherous horizon.

Off in the distance, atop a large, snow-covered hill, stood a structure like none other. A giant jack-o-lantern made of packed snow and ice with glaring eyes and a sinister smile that stood watch over the foreboding terrain. Rising up from the bubbling river beneath the evil pumpkin, flowing magma wound its way through the crystal clear hill, like blood through veins, as it fed the mysterious life force of the giant pumpkin. Radiant beams of orange and yellow pushed outwards between the cracks, eyes and mouth of the isolated jack-o-lantern’s intimidating facade. It was a beacon of evil for all who dared wander near for a closer look.


The wicked horseman made a charge across the shattered hallway ruins towards Frank—transforming to smokey shadow, he and his stallion gained speed, poised to bring pain upon their targeted victim.

Frank braced for the rider’s attack and shielded himself with a sphere of magic.

The master of nightmare and his wicked steed transformed back from shadow into a physical threat of concentrated evil. His horse leapt high into air, as he pulled back his sword. BOOM! Landing a mighty blow upon the Patron’s protective barrier, the rider’s sword was deflected—unable to brake through.

Flying in behind the rider, Elontra and Tanion rose high into the air and separated, each attacking the spherical barrier from opposite sides with relentless streams of lighting.

The shadow horseman landed another blow.

Frank kneeled and covered himself with his arms as the barrier began to crack.

The rider struck a third time as the Dark Thorns continued their assault from above.

Hairline cracks continued to multiply and travel around the barrier’s surface.

How am I going to get out of this? Frank thought to himself.

The rider struck a final blow, shattering the glowing sphere.

Frank dodged to the left as the horseman thrust his dark sword for the kill and missed.

The rider swung for Frank’s legs, but the wise Patron leapt high into the air, as his mighty owl friend swooped in and latched onto his arms for the rescue.

“Get back here!” The horseman shouted.

ZAP! POW-POW! BAM! The Dark Thorns tried to bring the elusive owl down with bolt after deadly bolt, but their attack had no effect on Alexios’ well-armored body, as he flew out of sight, his friend securely in hand.

Frustrated, the rider and Dark Thorns turned their attention to the boy.

But little did they know, the lion crest ring had transformed the chosen outsider’s body into a force of pure energy, brighter and more powerful than before. Seeing his friends were now out of harms way, Charlie focused on the three seeds of evil staring him down. “You want a fight, I’ll give you a fight!” He shouted.

“Come and get it, boy. We know who you are, and you’re no match for our powers!” the horseman replied.

Charlie shot off like a meteor, forcing the rider and Dark Thorns to dodge his attack. The boy spun around, glowing brighter, he charged again.

This time the shadow horseman was ready. Switching back to a shadow state, he took off on his beastly steed straight for the oncoming attacker. Timing it perfectly, the rider pulled his sword and took a mighty slash as he passed through the energized assailant.

The chosen outsider felt a sudden, sharp pain pass through his body—causing him to tumble over and over until he crashed against the elevator doors.

Dark Thorn’s Elontra and Tanion jumped in—each casting a lighting rope that wrapped around the boy and began to drain his power.

Charlie could feel his body getting weaker, his glow lessening, as the Dark Thorns pulled tighter on the ropes. Weak…too weak to get up, he thought to himself.

“Go ahead rider, take him. He’s all yours.” said Tanion.

The shadow horseman slowly approached his weakened opponent. Dismounting his horse, he walked up to the boy, his sword in hand. “Get up, boy. Her majesty has plans for you.”

Charlie sat up slowly and leaned back against the elevator doors. He looked up and through the gray shadow that stood over him, trying to gather his words.

“I said, get up boy, her majesty is expecting you and she doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

With his head down, the boy raised his ring hand as if he wanted to speak.

“What is it, boy?” said the horseman.

Charlie clenched his fist, reigniting the power of the ring. His body burst back into a radiant glow. He reached around with his other hand and hit the elevator button.

The doors opened and the boy did a reverse summersault.

Before the horseman or Dark Thorns could stop it, the doors closed and the elevator began its rapid descent.

© 2024 Charles E. Zitta. Charles E. Zitta and Disney and the Wonder Within blog novels are in no way part of,  endorsed or authorized by, or affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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